Friday, 8 August 2014


Prior to the debate between Salmond and Darling it was obvious that the sticking point for Salmond would be the question of a currency union and so it proved.  Claiming that the pound was as much Scottish as the rUK's - whilst it may well be true - and, therefore, could justify a currency union does not chime with impartial viewers who are aware that the Libdem, the Tories and the Labour party have categorically ruled it out and they certainly will not change their mind over that issue before the referendum.

To my simple mind Salmond and the Yes campaign have two options.

Salmond talks about the "sovereignty of the state" so, given that there is no immediate urgency regarding the currency an independent Scotland would use he could announce that in line with that sovereignty and due to the intransigence of the Libdems, the Labour party and the Tories over this issue that all the options will be offered to voters in a referendum after an independence vote. Actually, I view this "intransigence as utter contempt and feel that this should be impressed on voters. 

The advantages and disadvantages of each option could be clearly explained to voters.

I think that this would have several advantages:

The Yes campaign would demonstrate their willingness to listen to the people and are prepared to act according. 

It would dispel most of the negativity displayed on a daily basis by the No campaign and the media.

The No brigade would be deprived of the opportunity to criticise plans for the adopted currency.

It would be difficult for politicians and especially Lamont, Davidson and Rennie, with future Scottih votes in mind, to attempt to ridicule such a stance.

We would get away from this ridiculous "Yes, we can, No you can't" present situation.

Those, like me, who do not want the rUK to have any say in Scotland's future policies would have the opportunity to vote over this issue. 

Alternatively, those who wish for a currency union. of whatever form, would have the opportunity to make their wishes heard.

It would demonstrate that the SNP's White Paper is not necessarily the future direction Scotland will take.

Those in the Yes campaign, and their voters, will take heart from such a move.

Given that the will of the people has been consulted it would strengthen the hand of those who will be engaged in, post dependence, negotiations with the rUK Government.

As I said previously my favoured option would be Scotland's own currency for reasons that I will go into when I have more time. 


  1. That's a sensible idea. I read somewhere that Ruth Davidson has said that in the event of a Yes vote, she would favour a currency union.

    I don't actually want one, because like you I don't want to have the UK being able to do down Scotland with currency. It seems that we might be handing them the tools to ruin our economy.

    I'm not saying they would, but it couldn't be ruled out.

    Id want to study the evidence for all options carefully before expressing an opinion.

    The one fly in the ointment I can see is that, if Scotland were to have that vote, wouldn't the Brits want to and be entitled to have a referendum too?

    And what would happen if we voted yes and they no...or vice versa?

    1. be quite happy for the Brits to have that vote but you must remember that it would be after the referendum which was the point I was making. As a metter of fact it would be beneficial to the Yes campaign for Salmond to put such a suggestion to the UK. Such a referendum could form the basis for negotiations as I do not believe that there would be such hostility to an independent Scotland as the unionists suggest.

  2. John

    I have always been for a CU, on the basis that we should not want to rock the boat so early in independence seeing as how much food we export to England and other stuff we import from them.

    However, the nonsense spouted by the Three Stooges and their valets tells me that a £ Scots paralleling the £ stg does it for me.

    Wtach the panic on the Treasury Mandarins faces and the red hot telephone lines to AD and GO and BJ from their moneymasters. They could not cope with the loss of Scotland's exports and GDP. No Cu not UK Gov debt and it will be all their fault. We offered it to them and they told us to get stuffed, in writing. They are eejits.

    1. I completely agree and, knowing the civil service, I imagine that discussions are already taking place behind closed doors. I don't recall the UK Government coming out and saying that one of their prominent politicans did not make the remark quoted in the Guardian.
